Thursday, June 27

10 AEW Wrestlers Everyone Expected To Fail (But Didn’t)

When AEW started in 2019, it came with a bunch of fresh new stars who were unknown to a wider audience until then. Over the years, more names (both well-known and obscure) were added to bolster the list, but not all of those names were necessarily considered potential hits.

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In fact, there were several wrestlers that everyone thought would fail in some way, but they actually found their place in the company and have done some good in AEW, far exceeding initial expectations of what they would do in the promotion.



10 darby allin


Darby Allin has a unique look and style and is much smaller than most on the AEW roster. Given the stereotypes of what makes a superstar in wrestling, Allin had a lot stacked against him when he first joined AEW, and many assumed his style would tire quickly.

However, he’s been one of the most consistently outclassed names on the entire list, winning two TNT Championships and stealing the show countless times. He’s a mainstay in AEW, and it’s not out of the question for him to be a world champion in the future.

9 dark order

Dark Order celebrates with Hangman Page

When The Dark Order debuted, no one liked the act. It was a little too goofy and creepy, and they seemed doomed to fail. However, once Mr. Brodie Lee emerged as its leader, the group received a huge boost and was legitimized.

They would then develop individual personalities and eventually become a babyface, becoming a major part of Adam Page’s rise to AEW World Champion in one of the greatest storylines in AEW history.

8 jute wheel

Wheeler Yuta ROH Pure Title

When Wheeler Yuta debuted in AEW, he was a minor babyface who was good in the ring, but that was it, and fans didn’t see much of a future for him. However, after joining the Blackpool Combat Club, he has unlocked a new intensity and side to himself.

Yuta recently scored the winning pinfall over Kenny Omega in the Double or Nothing 2023 main event, showing just how far he’s come.

7 the gunns

The Gunns as AEW Tag Team Champions

Austin and Colten Gunn were way down the card for a long time in AEW, pretty much being an extension of Billy Gunn, hanging on to his name. They seemed like nothing more than glorified enhancement talents at the start of his career.

However, after a heel turn, they become so much more, and once they abandoned their father and stood up for themselves, they proved their worth. The Gunns are now former AEW World Tag Team Champions and an established team in AEW.

6 sammy guevara

sammy guevara

Sammy Guevara was seen as a generic flippy guy when AEW started, and no one really saw him as someone who would be a core player in the company. However, he quickly displayed great natural charisma as a heel and a knack for stealing the show.

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Whether it be as TNT Champion, in the Inner Circle, Jericho Appreciation Society and even briefly as a babyface, Guevara has managed to shine across the board.

5 jeff jarrett

Jeff Jarrett AEW

There was a collective groan from the AEW audience around the world when Jeff Jarrett debuted on Dynamite, screaming about the dark days of TNA (although Jarrett wasn’t necessarily the worst part of that).

However, Jarrett has handled himself perfectly in AEW. Both he and AEW have been very aware of the type of heat he receives and have taken advantage of it wonderfully. The signing of him has been a sure hit.

4 cassidy orange

Orange Cassidy as International Champion

It’s easy to see why fans thought the Orange Cassidy stunt wouldn’t translate to TV, let alone become a lasting hit. However, Cassidy has been consistently with the fans since day one, and no one has grown tired of it after four years.

Cassidy has challenged for world titles, beaten Chris Jericho in a match and had one of the best title reigns in company history as International Champion.

3 Sting

darby allin sting

Sting is an all-time legend, no one denies it, but when it was revealed that he would step into the ring after six years of retirement and at over 60, no one had much hope and it seemed like an almost certain failure.

However, Sting’s matches have never stopped being entertaining, proving that he still has it in small doses. His time in AEW has been a great success and has been handled perfectly. This retirement streak over the last two years has been something that he has certainly deserved, and it has been much better than anyone expected.

2 danhausen

danhausen entrance

Much like Orange Cassidy, Danhausen was a character that many assumed would only translate to a smaller audience and fail on a stage like AEW. However, she always gets big pops and has been a popular act so far.

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The role he’s been used in has been a good one, as he was never really someone in contention for the title, but more as a smaller part of the acts and storylines further down the card. The humor and character of him has translated very well since he first debuted in AEW.

1 britt baker


From the start, it was clear that AEW was on top of Britt Baker, but her babyface persona was so bland that fans simply hoped she would fail and receive the same kind of fan treatment as Roman Reigns, in which the fans would eventually turn on her. .

However, AEW saw this and decided to turn heel, which unlocked one of the best, if not the best, in the women’s division within the company. She rose through the ranks under this gimmick to become the AEW World Women’s Champion and the most overmatched woman in the entire promotion.

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