Thursday, June 27

10 Physically Strongest Heels In WWE History, Ranked

We all know that the babyface-heel dynamic is fundamental in wrestling, because a story could not be told properly without a good guy and a bad guy. Along the WWE In history there have been several legendary heels, some of whom, beyond brute force, have used their cunning to dominate their opponents, such as Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins or The Miz.

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But there have also been plenty of heels whose physical strength was their main tool to annihilate their opponents, especially those stereotypical monster heels that are so popular in wrestling. This time, we’re taking a look at the 10 physically strongest heels in WWE history, ranked.


10 Ezekiel Jackson

Ezekiel Jackson had the looks of a world champion, though unfortunately that’s not enough to be successful in wrestling, he had no charisma and his in-ring skills were lackluster.

However, no one can deny that he was very strong, could pull off powerful moves with ease, and obviously with his strength he could do things that most couldn’t. Ezekiel Jackson was a pretty forgettable wrestler, but you have to admit that he is one of the strongest heels in WWE history.

9 Triple H

The Game, The King Of Kings, The Cerebral Assassin, this guy has been called a lot of things, and we all have to admit that Triple H is one of the greatest people in WWE history.

He has contributed so much in the ring, he has also worked from the office, doing his best to entertain the fans. Triple H was a complete fighter, very strong, and it was precisely because of his strength that his offense was lethal.

8 Lex Luger

Without a doubt, Lex Luger had one of the most impressive physiques in WWE in the 1990s, and even though his in-ring skills weren’t great and he had a limited move set, he became a huge star.

Some preferred Luger’s work as a babyface and others preferred him as a heel as he had the qualities to play both roles, either way many fans loved him. Throughout his career, “the total package” put on some impressive shows of strength.

7 Cesaro

Pound for pound, Cesaro has to be one of the strongest men in sports-entertainment history. He is incredibly strong and has shown it many times, for example by swinging it on none other than The Great Khali, or hitting Big Show’s body to win the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

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Cesaro is a true machine, and between 2017 and 2020 he established himself as one of the physically strongest rude men in WWE history.

6 Nathan Jones

You probably already forgot about Nathan Jones, many fans have no idea who he is. Well, he was a monster heel who worked for the WWE in 2003. Standing 7 feet 3 inches tall and weighing 320 pounds, packed with muscle, Nathan Jones had the looks of a serious killer who could destroy anyone with his bare hands. .

However, Jones’s wrestling skills were terrible, which is why, despite his superhuman strength, he didn’t last more than a year in WWE.

5 mark henry

Mark Henry was called The World’s Strongest Man for a reason, and that was because he was so strong and looked like a real monster.

Throughout his career, he performed various feats of strength, lifting Vader, lifting The Great Khali, Superplexing Big Show to make the ring collapse, even once towing a truck by himself. Mark Henry was absolutely amazing.

4 ryback

Ryback was an extremely strong and intense heel, with enormous power. He was never a good fighter technically speaking, but he could put on a good show under the right circumstances.

Some fans think that Ryback was a cheap copy of Goldberg, but let’s not be too cruel, so we could say that he was a badass version of Goldberg. Although Vince McMahon certainly tried to push Ryback as a babyface, that was a total flop, as he was always better as a heel.

3 Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar is one of the best heels in WWE history, with his final boss aura and killer attitude, Brock is a true beast. Lesnar is one of the most dominant fighters of all time, and that’s mainly due to the strength of him.

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Lesnar is capable of taking anyone to Suplex City, for example, he took Big Show, and Lesnar probably could have taken someone like Andre The Giant as well. Brock Lesnar has hit a lot of big guys with his F-5, dominating them all.

two bobby lashley

Bobby Lashley is one of the strongest wrestlers in WWE history, his physique is impressive, and the crazy thing is that his physique has hardly changed in 15 years, in fact, right now he looks better than ever.

The heel version of The All Mighty has been one of the most intimidating fighters of all time, and in the ring he showed why he should be feared. Bobby Lashley is without a doubt one of the strongest heels in WWE history.

1 braun strowman

Frankly, there is no fighter more deserving of the Monster Among Men moniker than Braun Strowman as this guy looks like a monster and has the ability to destroy anyone as he is an unstoppable force. Unfortunately, WWE never knew how to book him, or perhaps he never blew himself up, and so Strowman ended up having a disappointing WWE run.

Still, Braun Strowman made his mark and established himself as one of the strongest heels in WWE history. Strowman did several impressive things, including a Powerslam on Mark Henry, lifting and sending Brock Lesnar through a table, a ring-shattering Superplex on Big Show, and even lifting an ambulance.

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