Friday, June 28

10 things fans need to know about their rivalry

The rivalry between Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal proves that sometimes teammates can be the most hostile enemies. Bryant and O’Neal had the most high-profile instance of two superstar teammates colliding and still winning titles. The tension still existed enough for the Los Angeles Lakers to split them up.

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Both players made it clear that they did not love each other when the team decided to trade O’Neal and keep Bryant. Few sports rivalries have reached this level of personal issues in the locker room. The fascinating history between the two deserves another look. NBA fans will be in awe of the rivalry between Shaq and Kobe.


10/10 Shaq felt Kobe was arrogant from the rookie season

The tension between Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant began their first season together in the Los Angeles Lakers. O’Neal signed in free agency and left the Orlando Magic during the same summer that Bryant was acquired on draft night out of high school.

The tension began when Bryant made his first comments to Shaq and the rest of the locker room during training camp. A book titled Three-Ring Circus that takes an in-depth look at the Lakers revealed that Kobe’s first words were “nobody’s going to fool me” instead of having a warm introduction to start off badly.

9/10 Kobe hated that Shaq appeared out of shape

Another problem in the first half of Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal teaming up featured Bryant’s unhappiness over Shaq’s condition. The duo won three NBA championships in their first six seasons together, but it was by no means a perfect relationship.

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Bryant grew unhappy in the middle of the treble when O’Neal began to appear out of shape in training camp and didn’t come into his prime until midway through the season. Kobe’s anger stemmed from having to do more in the season than having the offense run around Shaq during the playoffs.

8/10 Shaq Really Defended Kobe’s Playoff Airballs

The first playoff experience for a young Kobe Bryant saw him and the Los Angeles Lakers meet the Utah Jazz in the Western Conference semifinals. Bryant hit a game-winning shot late in the final Game 5 that would have scared any other rookie from shooting again in overtime.

A total of four airballs at the end of regulation and overtime saw stunned fans as Kobe took them out of the game. Eddie Jones claimed that Bryant did not follow the plays designed for him. Shaquille O’Neal was surprisingly one of the few Lakers to publicly defend Kobe, even later claiming that Jones was scared by that big moment.

7/10 They had real fights

Many NBA players have had drama with a back-and-forth war of words, but it almost never gets physical. Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant had an otherwise rare scenario when things really got physical between them.

The two played an intense impromptu offseason game on opposite teams with a lot of trash talk. Shaq using the B-word in trash talk led to Bryant personally insulting. This caused O’Neal to throw the first shot he connected with Kobe and never return one.

6/10 Shaq prevented Kobe from rookie of an older rookie

Eric Chenowith was an journeyman bouncing around various basketball leagues and trying to find his way into the NBA. The Los Angeles Lakers added Chenowith to the training camp roster when Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant were established stars.

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Bryant tried to get Chenowith to join the other rookies entering the league as those who had to follow his commands as part of hazing despite being the same age. Shaq stepped forward and told Chenowith not to do anything Kobe said with the promise that he would back him up if anything escalated.

5/10 Shaq lost the role of police officer for insulting Kobe in rap

One of Shaquille O’Neal’s more random outside pursuits away from basketball is becoming an honorary reserve police officer. O’Neal held that role in various states over the years and still maintains that passion.

However, a controversial moment in the fight with Kobe Bryant caused a problem there. Shaq uttered an insult after Kobe lost the 2008 NBA Finals to the Boston Celtics. The rap mixed with obscenities caused several sheriff’s departments to revoke his deputy position.

4/10 Kobe wanted to sign with the Clippers if the Lakers didn’t trade Shaq

The issues between Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal reached a boiling point at the end of the trio and reached the point of no return afterwards. Bryant was ready to go and have his own team if O’Neal was still around during free agency.

The summer of 2004 saw Kobe’s management threaten to sign with the Los Angeles Clippers. Lakers management made the decision to keep Bryant by trading Shaq to the Miami Heat. Kobe opted to stay with the Lakers, but the threat of joining a team in the same location was clearly a power play.

3/10 Shaq Ring persecuted at the end of his career due to Kobe

Shaquille O’Neal is an all-time great NBA player, but he hit a major snag in the later years of his career. The latest chapter of his career featured Shaq jumping from team to team to chase the ring due to Kobe Bryant tying him and passing him in total championships.

O’Neal joined the Phoenix Suns, Cleveland Cavaliers and Boston Celtics in hopes that each would give him another ring to tie Bryant before retiring. Kobe’s back-to-back NBA Championship wins clearly affected Shaq’s decision-making.

2/10 First meeting as opponents with incredible ratings

Shaquille O’Neal’s infamous trade joining the Miami Heat created arguably the most anticipated regular season game of all time. The NBA staff brilliantly saved the Miami matchup by visiting the Los Angeles Lakers on Christmas Day for their first lineup.

The event was the most-watched NBA game since the television deal changed in 2002, with 13.2 million viewers choosing to spend their vacations watching the drama. Kobe Bryant had the best individual game with 42 points, but Shaq’s team won the game by two points in overtime.

1/10 Shaq made sure to attend Kobe’s last game

The tension between Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant began to ease shortly after O’Neal retired and turned to broadcasting. Bryant had grown more mature and even expressed regret that he didn’t better appreciate the golden years with Shaq.

The same could be said for O’Neal as he revealed that they could have won five straight titles if they were on the same page. Both boys made amends to the point that Shaq went out of his way to attend Kobe’s last game as a fan and celebrated with glee when Bryant scored an impressive 60 points.

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